Jayaditya Shah

I’m a Developer | Physics Student | Artist
Coding/Development, related internships and jobs
Investing Journal

Prototype Portfolio Management Web App that allows users to track and analyse investments such as stocks (NDAQ and NYSE), Crypto and Forex).

view project —>

Gravitational Wave Analysis of data collected at LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory)

The following code was used to produce graphs for my physics research project titled,”To What Extent Do Gravitational-Wave Observations at LIGO Validate Existing Theories in Quantum-Mechanics?”. The link to the folder containing the files is below. 


Internship at Putler (Magnet Technologies Pvt Ltd.)

Created a name analysis micro service, using Harvard’s WGND 2.0 (World Gender Name Data) Dataset, creating separate modules that extracted the first name of the user using their email id while tackling multiple corner cases such as emojis in strings, parsing second/family names, transliterations, etc.

QA at Symphony Infotech.

Worked as a code tester for a p2p, purchase to pay software called Highway Concessions.

Internship at Icegram (Magnet Technologies Pvt Ltd.)

Icegram is a Wordpress plugin used to capture data. I worked as a pair programmer with a pop programmer in order to make changes and roll out the next version of this plugin on Github using repositories.

Research and Coursework
To What Extent Do Gravitational-Wave Observations at LIGO Validate Existing Theories in Quantum-Mechanics?

The Research done for my Physics IPQ project attempts to answer questions pertaining to the nature of gravitational waves.


WebGPU simulations for modern web applications.


Non - scientific endeavors
Global Perspectives Project : How do human actions influence animal behaviour and evolution globally?

The research topic for this project was based on the fact that humans seem to have an major effect on the evolution of other species. Read the whole report below.


Descriptive Stories:

A descriptive essay on the horrors of a night at the forest.


Graphic Design and Illustrations

See more of my work on Behance!


Feel free to get in touch with me for any collaborations at :shahjayaditya@gmail.com